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The New England Journal of Medicine 1
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The Journal of Nutrition
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FROM 6 Guadalupe Piñeiro Merluza y Omega3
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FROM 5 Gregorio Varela-Moreiras Pescados y Omega3
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FROM 4 Andres Palou Reglamentos UE
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FROM 3 FEN Organolepticas
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FROM 2 Estudio FEN nutricional
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FROM 1 Habitos consumo 2011
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Colaboración Sociedad Española de Pediatría Extrahospitalaria y Atención Primaria
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Colaboración Dra. Petra Sanz
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Colaboración Dra. Marina García
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Colaboración Dra. Mª Guadalupe Blay SEMG
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Colaboración Dr. R Tojo, Dra. R Leis-Fund. Dieta Atlántica
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British Journal of Nutrition
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Arch Intern Med
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American Medical Association 2
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American Journal of Epidemiology
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American Journal Clinical Nutrition
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American Heart Association